About Know One.
I was educated throughout my life, by the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Know One was born and raised, by the neighborhoods on the Cape Flats in the Western Cape South Africa.
The Cape Flats where gunshots are as normal as youngsters hip hop and rap music. Where a woman screaming for help while being raped is as normal as a cheering crowd at a neighborhood fighting brawl.
Where kids will look at a gunshot victim and say he got ‘shot’ without even blinking an eye and without a hint of fear in their voice.
Where adults and kids instinctively through habit fall to the ground when shots are fired, get up, and just move on as soon as they get a change, as if nothing has happened.
Inspired and taking note, of how much one can experience and learn from your own condition and surroundings, about the repeated absences of Justice, motivated me to question World leaders?
World leaders, the custodians of Justice, and their interpretation of Justice, regarding Knowledge of Justice, and keeping that Knowledge Justified.